The FarmTRX Mobile App is the primary way of communicating with the Yield Monitor and Moisture Sensor. Through the app the user can: monitor live yield and moisture data, calibrate the Yield Monitor and Moisture Sensor, change crops and headers as well as upload yield data to the Web Application for processing into yield maps. This overview outlines the initial setup on the Harvest App for first time users, as well as guide users in seasonal setup before harvesting. Find more details on setup of the FarmTRX system by visiting the Operator's Manual.
Download the app
If you have not done so yet, download the FarmTRX Harvest app from the App Store or Google Play store.
If you have already downloaded the app to your mobile device, make sure you are running the latest available version to get the latest features and capabilities.
In-App Help
To guide the user though the app, most screens have help messages. Help messages provide tutorials and explanations to assist users. Access the help function by selecting the question mark icon.
- Press on the specific part of the app where you would like assistance
- Press the right side of your screen to progress through the tutorial
- Press the left side of the screen to go back to a previous step
- The “skip” button closes the tutorial
Device Setup
Connect to the Yield Monitor
From the Connection page of the app, connect to your Yield Monitor via Bluetooth© by pressing the “Connect” button on the desired Yield Monitor and wait for the connection steps to complete. Periodically, FarmTRX updates the firmware on the Yield Monitor. These updates are done Over-the-Air and you will be prompted to update firmware if your Yield Monitor is not up-to-date during the connection process.
- Press "OK" if firmware update required
- Wait for the update to complete. Do not disconnect from the Yield Monitor or turn off your device. This will take several minutes depending on your device. You will need to reconnect the Yield Monitor after the update.
If the Moisture Sensor’s firmware is not up to date, you will be prompted to update upon connection.
When connection is successfully established, you will be directed to the Live Harvesting screen automatically.
Add/Edit Crops
- Navigate to Add/Edit Crops by using the icon
- The default crop list will already be populated. If you want to add custom varieties or additional crops not found in the default list, press the Add Crop button at the bottom of the screen
- Enter Crop Name, Crop Category, Test Weight, and Dry Moisture (value the elevator considers as “dry”). Confirm units chosen are correct
- The crop can be saved once the crop name is entered. Default values will be used for all other fields if not specified by the user
Add/Edit Headers
- Navigate to Add/Edit Headers by using the icon. There will be a default header in the list already, this can be deleted or edited
- Press the Add Header button at bottom of screen. Enter header name, type, and width. Width can be entered in meters or feet
- Repeat for all headers the combine may be using
- Live Harvesting Screen
Change Display
- Long press any tile you would like to change until a menu appear
- Select the value you would like to be displayed
Changing Units
- Press the unit text at the bottom of the tile to open the available units for that measurement
- Select the unit you would like displayed
- You can have multiple tiles set to the same measurement, displaying different unit values. For example, you can have Yield displayed in both bu/ac and lbs/ac side by side.
Selecting Crop/Header
- Long press the Crop or Header tile on the Live Harvesting page until a menu appears
- Select the correct crop being harvested and/or header in use
- If the wrong crop was selected for a section of the field, you can correct this later in the Web App
Sensor Calibration
For accurate calibration of the optical sensors, ensure the combine is stationary with engine at full throttle and threshing clutch engaged.
- Navigate to the Device Calibration page
- Press “START CALIBRATION” under Sensor Calibration
- Press the box beside each condition (a checkmark will appear) once each condition is met
- Press “Ready” to start the calibration
- When the calibration has finished, press “Complete”
- If calibration was unsuccessful, an error message will appear. Make sure your optical sensors are properly installed, and the combine is stationary and running at full throttle with the threshing clutch engaged
Machine Setup
- Set Processing Delay
Press "Edit Delay" in Device Calibration
Enter the Processing Delay in seconds (time from cutting head to sensor measurement e.g. 10 seconds) or (time from cutting head to sensor reading/value display)
- Crop Calibration
Navigate to the Crop Calibration page from the main menu. Ensure that all listed conditions are met and press their associated boxes on the checklist
Press “Start Calibration” and begin harvesting
Press “Pause” as soon as harvest is unloaded. Enter measured weight and/or volume, along with measured moisture (if available/applicable)
Press “Complete” - Moisture Sensor Calibration
Obtain a moisture sample while harvesting
Press “Edit Average” on the Crop Calibration screen
Enter the measured values from the sample